
Los 7 best premiere of what's left on 2. Sequel of ‘Annabelle‘, spin off de ‘Expediente Warren: The Conjuring‘. The curse of the doll Annabelle terrorize and haunt you to a new family. In a year where we will have few opportunities to enjoy appetizing horror movies, “Annabelle 2” may find a niche among lovers of the genre. Although its first delivery liked and displeased in equal parts, in this second part we will try to iron out bugs and deliver a film that was disturbing to the height. Thor: Ragnarok. Thor will return to Asgard in search of answers, joining the Hulk on his return to the cosmos. The asgardiano will face their challenge more daunting, when you find your town invaded by the army of creatures led by Hela (Cate Blanchett) and Loki (Tom Hiddleston). Why see If it within the Movie Universe Marvel movies solo Thor (Chris Hemsworth) are the least valued, the closure of his trilogy with “Thor 3: Ragnarok” promises to become one of the best proposals ever seen in the study. Film of epic proportions that will mark a before and an after in the universe marvelita. The Stones of Infinity and Thanos in the shade, with the new villainess Hela and Loki fighting hand-in-hand to to forever defeat Thor. If we combine this with Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) or Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), the cocktail bears the name of one of the most outstanding movies of superheroes 2. The Justice League (Justice League)Lex Luthor, in their struggle to control and manipulate the world's information, develops Braniac, a powerful software equipped with senses. I4_g-Y3WC80/WbCVJMBhtoI/AAAAAAAAFDQ/BjSk_qPq4N4N_snx9dBW1GLf2MBtZTKSACEwYBhgL/s1600/El%2BOtro%2BGuardaespaldas%2BPatrick%2BHughes%2B2017%2B%25282%2529.jpg' alt='Orden El Rey De Los Perdedores (2017) De La Película ' title='Orden El Rey De Los Perdedores (2017) De La Película ' />Lo that Luthor doesn't know is that Braniac is an intelligence that came to our planet next to Superman (Henry Cavill) and that is rebuilding slowly with the use of the software of Luthor. Free Download The Great Wall (2017) Movie there. Now, poised to take control of computer systems around the world, at the same time that the robotics and electronics, the Justice League will need all the disciplines at its disposal to combat the threat. Why the see Film of proportions spades to dial. King and Finn in their struggle. Insidious 4” is presented as a film of terror, ms expected in 2017. No doubt, in any list that you find with the movies essential of 2. The League of Justice“. The heroes of DC's most popular will face off against a fearsome villain in what promises to be one of the best films of superheroes of all time. After all, now that the King of the Night has its dragon zombie. Gizmodo Media Group. Result of the search of The Losers. Films in order. est based on the comic by Andy Diggle, and is a film of dizzying action. Henry Cavill (Superman), Ben Affleck (Batman), Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman), Jason Momoa (Aquaman) and Ray Fisher (Cyborg) lead an explosive lineup that will decide the future of the Movie Universe DC. The response DC to The Avengers of Marvel. Star Wars: Episode VIII Eighth episode of the saga. Will continue the story of Luke Skywalker, King and Finn in their fight against the First Order. Why to see it After offering us J. J. Abrams's installment of the War of the Galaxies with which all fans dreamed of since the completion of the original installment (“Star Wars: the Awakening of the Force“), Star Wars becomes 2. Star Wars: Episode VIII“. As the delivery of Star Wars, this is not a film, not a premiere, this is a global event that able to tell to the next generations. Jumanji: Welcome to the jungle. The mysterious and deadly game Jumanji reappears over twenty years later. Is the current epoch, and four teenagers are introduced in this new adventure, now from a video game that serves as a portal through space - time. Absorbed by the world of Jumanji, a game that can't leave until the game ends. Why to see it For those who know the first installment with Robin Williams in year 1. It (Eso) The clown asesinoSon the years 8. In a small village in the state of Maine, a gang of seven children known as The club of the losers faces their everyday problems with the bullies of the school. But then, during the summer, a great threat looms over them: a wave of strange deaths cause panic and terror among the inhabitants. Why to see it there is No doubt that the film shows to be promising and not disappointing. It already has a few accolades of fans and critics who expected this new adaptation of the clown killer, without a doubt, one of the films most anticipated of the 2. If you are one of those 8. Insidious: Chapter 4. Fourth installment of the successful horror franchise created by James Wan. Why to see it Despite the fact that the third installment no longer had the direction of the master of the terror of this decade, James Wan, has maintained a remarkable level that gives us hope regarding this “Insidious: Chapter 4“. Little or nothing we know about it today, beyond that it will be directed by Adam Robitel (“The possession of Deborah Logan“). In a year without major proposals, a priori, in the genre of the uncanny, “Insidious 4” is presented as a horror film most awaited of 2.