
LOS 40 23012015. the film in which Leonardo Dicaprio and his colleagues. Recopilacin with the best information technology,science and the Internet in Spanish. This film also has another. Descargar Flotando En El Agua (2015) Película ' title='Descargar Flotando En El Agua (2015) Película ' />The Shallows Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Shallows (entitled deep Fear in Latin america, and Hell's blue in Spain) is a film of drama and suspensoestadounidense 2. The film begins with a. K in August 2015. The five and the secret of the pyramid 2015. The Bus Driver 2016. The discovery of a series of bodies floating in the water. Jaume Collet - Serra and starring Blake Lively. Captive (2015) Flow Of'>Captive (2015) Flow Of. After the death of his mother, the medical student Nancy Adams (Blake Lively) decides to travel to a desolate and secret beach in Mexico for surfing, but during the course she is attacked and wounded in a leg by a white shark. She manages to stay out of the water, staying on a rock to 1. Having the company only of a seagull with an injured wing, called Steven, Nancy must try to keep the wound clean and covered until someone come back for her. The film begins with a child (Paul's Bald head) that strikes a soccer ball along the shore of a beach. Go. Pro attached to a helmet and picks it up. The video on the Go. Pro is of a man who struggle to get out of the water onto a rock only to be dragged to the depths and be killed by a huge shark. The child then flees running from the beach. Shortly after the death of his mother (Janelle Bailey), a victim of cancer, the medical student Nancy Adams (Blake Lively) travels to a secluded beach in Mexico for surfing, which is also the same beach that their mother has surfed after discovering that she was pregnant with Nancy many years before. Nancy gets to the beach with the help of Carlos (Oscar Jaenada), a resident, friendly, local, who refuses to tell you the name of the beach, but it is limited to say that it is the paradise. After arriving at the beach, Nancy is found with two other local residents (Angelo Jose Lozano Corzo and Jose Manuel Trujillo Rooms), and the three surf in the waves for several hours. While taking a break on the sand, Nancy starts a video call with his sister Chloe (Sedona Legge) to let you know that she is surfing on the beach of his mother. When Nancy speaks with his father (Brett Cullen), it is revealed that the death of his mother has caused that Nancy consider leaving the school of medicine. The conversation becomes emotional and tense, and Nancy hung out to surf in a wave later in the evening, before returning to your hotel. Waiting for a wave, Nancy discovers the carcass of a large humpback whale floating around twenty meters. The Snowman (2017) Movie. While observing the whale, Nancy sees what appears to be a large bite in his back, seems to have caused the death. Although, Nancy is a last wave to surf before you leave the beach, a great white shark hit the surfboard, causing it to fall and Nancy is hit in the head by a rock underground. As he tries to stay on his board, the shark bites the leg, pulling her down. Nancy is dragged over the dead body of the whale, where it remains until the shark went away. The shark begins to move the dead whale from the bottom to make Nancy fall in the water, but Nancy realizes and manages to drop to the water, the shark makes several gulls from falling into the water and one of them trying to escape to the surface, collides against Nancy breaking a wing. Nancy and the gull swims to an isolated rock, where she binds the courts of the wound using your earrings and a pendant, then place a tourniquet improvised, which consists in the strap of your surf board, and the sleeve of your wetsuit in your leg to stop the bleeding. The two surfers are, without realizing the situation of Nancy, being is obliged to spend the cold night on the rock next to the seagull wound. In the next morning, Nancy finds a man of the town (Diego Espejel) drunk passed out on the beach. Nancy get his attention, but instead of offering help, the man steals her phone, her money, and her backpack in the sand. After realizing his surfboard floating in the water, the man entered the water to pick it up, only to be attacked and split in half by the shark. Several hours later, the two surfers that Nancy had surfed the previous day, they come back. When the two get into the water before Nancy can notify them, both are killed by the shark. Nancy retrieves the helmet with the camera Go. Pro of one of them when he tried to swim to the rock, and after another attack close to the sharks, he recorded a message for his father and his sister, and then throws the helmet towards the shore. With the high tide close to, Nancy discovers that the rock is going to dip soon. After curing the wing of the seagull so that it can be saved, Nancy recognizes that it still can not fly, so Nancy says goodbye to his friend gull raising it in a half of his surfboard and leaving it to go to the waiting for the table to reach the shore. Knowing that you may not have help, she is dedicated to observe the shark, Nancy discovers that the shark swims in circles from the dead whale to the rock, so that when the shark will go back to where the whale, Nancy nothing to a buoy fenced, narrowly avoiding the shark swimming through a group of jellyfish, they sting both the shark as Nancy. Nancy finds a flare gun on the buoy, but fails to draw the attention of a cargo ship that happens to venture into the sea. Nancy shoots him a bengal to the shark, which catches fire due to the fat of the whale floating, despite the fact that this is immersed in the water before suffering severe burns. The shark begins to attack furiously the buoy, pulling the strings that hold it to the bottom of the ocean. Nancy grabs the last string remaining and since he is torn away from the buoy, she is thrown violently to the ocean floor. The shark chases Nancy at great speed down, but at the last moment, Nancy is thrown to one side as the shark the victim of the inertia impales herself against the bars that constitute the structure of concrete anchor the buoy. The helmet with the camera Go.