
Spoke to the mam that agredi to the. A Mam Novice. The blog vlog. Police and play with the traffic and the helicptero that. The team of the Russian site Airpano turned to surprise when he published on his site a stunning series of photographs of the most emblematic places of the world from a perspective unknown. The company took more than 2. Paris, the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, the Himalayas and the Waterfalls of Iguazu are just some of the places that have been captured by this team of photographers, who claim that they are the only ones that offer the very highest quality photos at a bird's eye view. Striking image of Paris, France. Airpano. Great barrier Reef, Australia. Airpano. com)Great barrier reef, in Australia. Spy (2015) Video Download. Airpano. com)On their website, Airpano is defined as a non-profit project, created by photographers of Russia that is focused on taking panoramic pictures and high resolution. Despite the fact that usually we photograph from a helicopter, we also like to shoot from a plane, a blimp, a hot air balloon, and a drone. The photographers explained that the display of a panoramic image creates the illusion of being in the place, about every detail. Makes you feel as if you're in the sky over the city of New York or above the waterfall, said. Manhattan, New York. Airpano. com) The Mount Everest, Himalayas. Airpano. com)Dubai, united Arab Emirates. Airpano. com)The project Airpano is formed by Oleg Gaponyuk, Andrey Zubetz, Dmitry Moiseenko, Mike Reyfman, Ivan Roslyakov, Sergey Rumyantsev, Stanislav Sedov and Sergey Semenov. I joined Air. Pano. So I see the mission of Air. Pano to show the most beautiful places of our planet to the public in a way that nobody did before: from a bird's eye view, with an ability to move and look around freely, " explains the photographer Semenov. Giza, Egypt. (Airpano. The Sagrada Familia, in Barcelona, Spain. Source: Air. Pano.