
La attracted to his luxurious palace of the desert with the idea of out of their. Lady Corianne need to start the new life of the Queen. Rosary Scissors, we started a new way of telling stories in the. Great end for this publication. I gave another chance to The Scorpions of the Desert. Each day, a new contract. Pages. Main page. See The 5th Wave (2016) Hd. De Suspenso Películas Desierto Corazones Nueva Publicación (2017) ' title='De Suspenso Películas Desierto Corazones Nueva Publicación (2017) ' />Para close this year, the houses distributors cinematogrficas already have lists of the last films that proyectarn. Disney brand new Large. Youth 0. Continuing with the special of the best 5. The End Of Angry Birds (2016) Movie there. Magic, those that have to do with Witches, Wizards, Sorcerers. The saga Harry Potter JK Rowling, fantasy epic, his characters are basically magicians, but also we dealt with werewolves and some humans paranormal more, the saga is composed of 7 books which have already been published in Spanish. The story revolves around Harry Potter, a child is not as normal as it turns out, is a magician and he will need to study in Hogwarts where you will learn about the magic, make friends but also enemies and know your own past to face off against the most sinister and powerful mage that has ever existed. The books that make up this saga are. Harry Potter and the India Stone (Harry Potter and the sorcerer's Stone), 2 - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets), 3 - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban), 4 - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire), 5 - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix), 6 - Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince (Harry Potter and the half blood Prince) and 7 - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows)0. The trilogy of Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins, fantasy, and romance, contains a triangle of loving, the main characters are supernatural beings such as Witches, Demons, Fairies, Vampires, among others, the 3 books of this trilogy are already published in Spanish (in Mexico, only first two). The story revolves around Sophie, who has come to the institute Hecate Hall to learn how to control his magic and use it well, there he met friends and enemies, the love, and the mysteries, but also will face demons, to discover what is in reality, you must accept what is, make alliances and fight for what is right, to the couple to define the love of your heart. The books that make it up are. Hex Hall (Hex Hall Condena), 2 - Demonglass (Hex Hall II Challenge), 3 - Spell Bound (Hex Hall III Spell)0. The trilogy The Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zinz (The Prophecy of the Sisters Trilogy), fantasy and mystery, where the romance is secondary, the central characters humans with power and magic, (witches), the three books of this trilogy are already published in Spanish. The revolves around two twin sisters Lia and Alice. For generations the sisters have been forced to face each other, the prophecy thus dictated and despite being sisters Lia and Alice are affected by this, now Lia will do the impossible to prevent the fulfilment of the prophecy, while Alice uses her magic to make Samael's return, the rivalry between them is increased and the Lia must remove the prophecy to save the future generations of sisters and the humanity of the chaos no matter how. The books that make it up are. Prophecy of the Sisters (Prophecy of the Sisters), 2 - Guardian of the Gate (Angel of Chaos), 3 - Circle of Fire (The Ritual of Avebury)0. The trilogy The Circle Secret of Libba Bray (The Gemma Doyle Thrilogy) (also known as the trilogy of the Academy Spence), urban fantasy, historical romance and mythology, with an impossible romance, where the central characters are human and witches, the 3 books that make it up are already published in Spanish (in Mexico, not yet). The story revolves around Gemma Doyle, a young woman who, after the death of his mother, is sent to England to the Academy Spence, a boarding school of the most mysterious, there strikes up a sincere friendship with Ann, Felicity and Pippa, all of them, including Gemma, have some extraordinary abilities and magic, together they discover the mystery of the academy and that is a more important place than what they believed in and to which are united, in addition, it is the connection to a magical world of Gemma is the pillar of balance between both world and who should be responsible and return the magic to the place to which it belongs. The books that make it up are. A Great and Terrible Beauty (The Order of the Academy Spence), 2 - Rebel Angels (Rebellious Angels), 3 - The Sweet Farthing (Sweet and Far-away)1. The trilogy The War of the Witches Maite Carranza, epic fantasy, has a romance forbidden, the main characters are witches, books of this trilogy are already published in Spanish. The central storyline revolves around Anaid a normal teenager who will start his adventure to go in search of her mother who mysteriously disappeared, little by little wrath by discovering the secrets of her family, her mother and herself, while handing her heart to the boy of your dreams when you should not do this and at the end you must take a stand between Omar and the Odish (two different types of witches). The books that make it up are. The Clan of the she-Wolf, 2 - The Desert of Ice, 3 - The Curse of Odi. Morning the following 5, now of los Angeles.