
El final deception of the system of control called the matrix predicted in the books of Val Valerian 1. Seen my input on if the archons interfere in our reincarnation became the most widely read of the history of my blog, and without the aim of being redundant, today I proceed to translate extracts from another, which expands on the theme, and quotes the author Val Valerian. Its author is Greg Calise and this is the blog in which he writes, despite the fact that the entry I found on this other blog. For those of you who have read the latest posts on the subject, obviating the appointments of Val Valerian, I will not tell you anything new, but I think that it is necessary to emphasize this testimony. To lift the veil of all the illusions, what is enough is absurd. 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Once, long ago, in prehistoric times, demiurges interdimensional came to our earth to saquearla. They enslaved humanity, and proclaimed themselves as the almighty God, the creator. The Gnostics called them the archons. They are predators, that keep us as his flock, as if we were farm animals. We are their food. We have been under their control for thousands of years. The Gods that we pray for our salvation, are the culprits who take advantage of us. They are our guardians, enslave us, and meanwhile we are still convinced that they are our creators and saviors. Not everything is what it seems. All of this has been picked up in ancient legends, writings, stories, and records of religious and cultural. It is not sólouna bizarre historiaconjuradapor any personacon unaimaginación creative. I can understand why not too many people want to know about this reality. David Icke has spoken so extensive on this, also Michael Tsarion, and many others. I've written a lot about the matrix and how to awaken it. As I levantanlos velosde nieblade the illusion, the reality becomes more visible. Beyond the matrix on earth is the matrix of cosmic, that is bastanteampliadesde our perspective. Within the matrix cosmic are constructs of the false light, each unocreado by a demiurge, a god impostor. The lord is a god imposter who has created his own matrix of false light. Suámbitose extiendea through todaslasdimensiones cosmic. Appears on our planet through the minds of all the followers of the Lord, are programmed to believe in their doctrine, percibiendoun mundoteñidoporesas beliefs. There are many religions and doctrines, new age on this planet , so we have many realms of the false light exist here simultaneously, each one generated by the programming of the minds of their followers. You can have a room full of Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Christians, Jews, etc, and each one delosreinosde luzfalsosexistirá within the same room, each within its mentesprogramadasde followers. Each person, through your mind programmed, percibela made through losfiltrosdesuscreencias. Each domain of the false light has many levels of the celestial heavens. In the Puranas, there are many descriptions of the domains of reality of the gods and goddesses Hindus. Also haydescripciones of lassiete layers of the realms of the demons. Those would be our celestial heavens. So hereunido, it seems that there are many demiurges, each with it's own realm of false light, and all are under an umbrella. George Kavassilas describes from his research and travels, we are all under the domain of the Lord. What I have described up to now is the etapaen which seperpetróun crime atrozsobre humanity, it is Not enough for them to enslave us and feed on us in this life only. We are caught up in your network. This is called the wheel of Samsara. In the post of Reincarnation Is Enslavement, and explain how souls are recycled in new bodies within the matrix. The next question is: What happens when we die When we die, we enter the matrix, cosmic, another construct of false light, which we call heaven. Our almasestán atrapadasdentro this prison created by the gods. After some time in this fake heaven, we return again to the same cycle. This is called the wheel of samsara, the cycle of life and death. Free Downloads Hot Pursuit (2015). After we die, after a long time of transition in these false havens, we are recycled into another body within the matrix, with a short duration of life; demasiadocorto to sercapaz to find her way to salirdel maze. There are guardians everywhere. Estaesla situation of humanity. This is the great final deception. No matter what you do or believe here in tucuerpo earthly, to the hour of death, we shall be deceived again. Is leinstaráa ascenderel tunnel, where it will be recibidopor angels, guides, loved ones, etc Elalma reciénllegadacreerá that is unverdadero paradise. But all these angels, loved ones etc Val Valerian is a pseudonym for a former CIA operative who wrote books about the matrix a decáda before the premiere of the film. He wrote. It is they who await us in the light when a human being dies. Subsequently, the human Being is recycled into another body and the process starts again and again... Light at the end of the tunnel at the time of the death is a hoax.