
Rowling invent a world. News Alfredo Landa, unique in its genre Levante-EMV Friday, 11 August 2017. Way of st. James, breaking news and newspaper archive of the Camino de Santiago. News of film Festivals. The actor recreates the great life of the drug trafficker in colombia on "Loving Paul." Penelope Cruz plays the lover of pablo Escobar, the journalist Virginia Vallejo, in whose book "Loving Pablo, hating Escobar" the film is based. Gómez Fuentes. Comment. Santiago Segura, the talent of a great comic against the cheesiness. News of Culture. H. Especially in the land of the one-act farce. From Cervantes to Valle - Inclán, with the complicity of José Luis López Vázquez and Chiquito de la Calzada, there are plenty of examples of the wealth and breadth of that area of our culture. In contrast our wealthy classes, who run the country, have a strong inclination to the artificial, to the foreigner, to... It is curious that few of the creators and artists most popular Spanish of these times, Santiago Segura, is one of the personalities most unknown to the media and even to many of his colleagues in the profession, especially in regard to their sensitivity, creative talent and knowledge of cinema as Art. Santiago Segura, the talent of a great comic against the cheesiness. However, the Academy has recognized his contribution to the Spanish film industry awarding him the Medal of Gold, whose dedication and celebration will be the next day, November 3, in the incomparable setting of the Hotel Ritz, something that without a doubt, the father of Torrent it deserves. Although it is not a place that is too consistent with the aesthetic that is celebrated. For those who does not know the extraction, training and complete work of Santiago should remember, that born in the district of Carabanchel, he completed his primary studies in an institute in madrid and ran out of form in the Fine Arts. Torrent is an illiterate, but Santiago Segura has studies, in addition to a big heart and two wonderful daughters that brighten your life. Torrent is an illiterate, but Santiago Segura has studies, in addition to a big heart. El film was his dream and with 1. From a very young age his passion lm led him to stir up in contests of radio and television, and very soon was to occur and direct a series of shorts. With one of them, Disturbed in 1. Academics will vote, to the cry in the form of a letter addressed to the members of the Academy, explaining to them how happy that would make this award to his grandmother. In the last 2. Santiago Segura has been involved as an actor in more than 7. Stream, and in addition presence is ubiquitous in the homes of the spaniards through the idiot box wasting his inimitable talent. Of course, given that we are where we are and we are who we are, they will rise up opposing voices. After 3 Goya Awards and other many and various, Santiago seems to have gotten it all and its contribution to the artistic and cultural is so meritorious that the Board of Directors of the Academy (not the academic) offers this well-deserved recognition, which is only reserved for the very veterans. In this case the youngest of all of them. Also in this Safe is unique. Of course, given that we are where we are and we are who we are, they will rise up opposing voices. Mary Magdalene (2017) Movie. I said don Antonio Machado than in bullfighting, after the cheers, heard a few light whistles. Do not whistled to the bullfighter, whistled in the applause. Congratulations Santiago. And to see if we can put a Stream in an asylum.