
Multimedia: November 2. INTRODUCCIONLa arrival of the internet was a revolution in terms of access to all types of culture such as film, music, books, photography, etc, Although at the beginning it was a bit difficult to access these contents without prior to a arduous search, with the passage of time, the content was increasing, until they reached the programs P2. P that allowed that amplified the downloads and became more popular, going by the websites of downloading content to be private services of download at a low price, even from our mobile phone or tablet, it is possible to I am today. DESARROLLOLo first thing that is required for the downloading of files is an internet connection, without being able to access the network will not get absolutely nothing. From here, the possibilities are varied, so let's do a tour through the history of the downloads, starting with ourselves with the programs P2. P. Programs P2. Q: The nets P2. P is characterized by all of the users that are connected to it provide bandwidth to users who download the same file as the supplier of bandwidth, and storage capacity, on the basis of these programs under this premise. To do this it is necessary that the users may not work as a client - server, or a central server to which users connect , if not connect between the computers that have the program P2. P and the file you want to download, if the connection is broken nothing will happen because will search for other computer to connect to that has the same file, these computers that are connected are called nodes. Some of these programs are Ares, Emule, Bittorrent, Kazaa, etc hosting Service fast: Are servers where internet users hosting the content, so that other users can download it, here if there is a structure of server - client. A website very famous one was Mega. Upload until the FBI banned it, websites that currently operate this type are Mega, Rapid. Share, Media. Fire, Giga. Size, Rapid. Share, Dataprius, etc Play Store: it Is a platform for downloading applications for mobile devices with Android, Google is responsible for monitoring the content I came clean of viruses, malware, and meet a minimum of requirements. Neither allows any kind of content if it is that this should not be offensive or overly strong. Thriller Movies Glass Chin (2015). Turning to legal issues, there has been a lot of controversy if the copyrighted content is legal to download it or not. In Spain IF it is legal to download this kind of content, but it is illegal to distribute it whether for profit or what is known as piracy. There have been various attempts of companies and complaints for stop the download digital content, such as DRM or various attempts of the SOCIETY to curb the downloading of content from the internet but all of them have failed more or less, some companies have been encouraged to provide digital content at a low price, these initiatives have given fruits as it can be Steam, which not only offers video games at a low price if you do not that allows the distribution of content of small studies that could not finance their output to the market, or i. Tunes allows you to download music from a device of the own company, the Play Store has also joined this trend. The Full My Scientology Film (2017) Movie. CONCLUSIÓNDesde well into the 9's. Certain programs P2. P have been popular from time to time, giving the baton to others, today the privilege keeps Bittorrent websites hosting servers today enjoy a great health, in spite of the fall of Mega. Upload and due to the boom of Smartphone, applications download content have increased its success. For the next few years, despite the obstacles of a legal nature, these technologies have a great future ahead of it, its use is spreading and they have visas to improve to speed up downloads and make them more universal. BIBLIOGRAPHY www. Who - are - the - Networks - P2. P. php www. MultimediaaQue - Are - The - Programs - P2p - And - As - Work. History of the application P2. P android. File hosting service Hosting immediately. And if ms alarming, in June of 2015 it is expected that one of every five high school students leave their studies, young men who acabarn. This blog has been created to help the writers to advertise their works for free. October 31, 2012. LINK TO DOWNLOAD. October 11, 2015. I had ordered a pilot for a possible adaptation of the cmic The Walking Dead overseen by Frank Darabont and Gale Anne Hurd as.