
Official website of the University of A Corua. Links to centres, departments, services, plans of studies. Sailors and fishermen have told stories of having seen mermaids for centuries; the first observations were made in Assyria, around the. MONDAY 1. Saints: Anbal Mara of France, founder. Blessed Hildegard Brujan, founder. Red St Justin, mrtir Memory MR p. Must be self-bill VAT, income TAX, IAEEnlaces of interest: Website of the Institute of Social Security. Web of Finance. Link to download invoice without VAT and with-holding. Do we have to become self-employed for bill if you write in a blog How they can bill you for the graphic designers, writers, bloggers, translators, and other small partners who earn a small monthly amount How we can, whatever our activity, to act according to the law, This is the question that all of you who have a blog or have participated in other activities, we have done more than once. Empezamos to write for others and earn a small amount of money, for which it compensates to become autonomous since the payment of this fee is higher than what you enter, or leave us with hardly any benefit. Watch Full Far From Men (2015) 2002 there. We have updated this post, the reasons are some inputs from our readers and the entry into force of the flat rate for the self-employed, that in the community of Madrid will have an initial term of 1. The flat rate is an option that can prevent the payment of something that, on many occasions it is impossible, it carries with it some ifs and buts, the essential (we've developed below) is that once we are low, we can only re-apply after 5 years. With respect to the contributions, we want to highlight two of them: This is a kind reader who made a telephone enquiry to the Institute of Social Security: ” it Is possible that if what I perceive in computing annual does not exceed the SMI do not have problems, but in theory yes I have high, if the activity is normal irrespective of what copper. I have also said that the Inspection is giving high-officio to all who routinely work even if you have losses, what happens in the great majority of cases. In this case, so it seems, and as the author of this post explains more below, the problem comes from what is regarded as “familiarity”, the sentences of the courts that we expose, used the SMI, because they considered him an objective indicator, so if not exceeds this, these judges find that there is NO certain regularity, although the Supreme was limited to insurance agents. Now, as we explain below, the risk of inspection and if the inspector decides otherwise, only the resource and if this is not supported the litigation, which carries costs that are only recovered if you win. Remember that with a low income, can apply for legal aid even in the administrative. We think that there are that be for independent to bill but is not as. We explain why and how to do it correctly. Registrndose in the IAE and withholding income TAX. A book, electronic, book, digital or ciberlibro, known in English as e-book, or eBook, is the version or evolution electronic or digital book. I have a Sonic LT 2012 and the [bujia] number 4 I have change 3 times because of bankruptcy of the part of ceramica. The breakdown is the thickness of a hair, really. Some people choose to bill on different dates or concentrated in quarters or semesters, others give themselves high on the self-employed when they are going to check and others choose to co-operatives that are advertised on the network and billed by you. Cd. B we cannot make a specific recommendation, in the first cases, because there is a risk and the co-op, because there are too many shadows in respect to them, therefore, is a personal choice. The problem would be not to work or to do so in compliance with ALL legality, unfortunately, is something that the administration has not resolved and it affects us or has affected many. An interesting contribution of Alexander, a reader of our website, in relation to the classes: ” In relation exclusively to the subject of giving private lessons for individuals, for tax purposes effects of income TAX can be considered as classes courses and conferences, as well as performances of work and not as economic activities. If so it is not necessary to register in VAT and IAE. Do not issue invoice, but a supporting document that has been provided to that service in which shall be stated the amount of the class, course, etc, Consultations, binding of the Directorate-General of Taxes V1. V0. 29. 5- 1. 3. ”This means that if the activity is something that compaginamos with another employed person, there would be no problem, you are issued a receipt for the classes given and a retention at the 2. If you choose to give us high in IAE, to be something not usual (a course that we are asked on an occasional basis), we will issue invoice and this will lead to a reduced sequestration of 9 , Both of which would be exempt from VAT, but it is important to ensure that the customer, who must deliver the retention to the tax office, fill in the model 1. Romance Movies Download Pending Matters Ver7 (2015). The question of the Flat Rate is as follows: For children under 3. For over 3. The average share has been calculated to be 2. There would be something more than 5. Are not eligible for it administrators of a society, who do not take more than 5 years without being, the self-employed co-workers and if they have received other bonuses in such a regime, as well as the merging activity on own account with another employed person. And now, let's continue with the original post...Quite the opposite of what many think do not need to become autonomous if the amount earned is reduced and is combined with a usual job. When we work for others we are already paying in Social Security and if we can show that “we do not live in these collaborations” need not be autonomous. There is a judicial decree by which, according to the point 2. Act 3. 71. 99. 2 are exempted from payment of the IVALos professional services, including those for which consideration consists of copyright, provided by visual artists, writers, literary collaborators, graphics and photography for newspapers and magazines, musical composers, authors of theatrical works and of the plot, adaptation, screenplay and dialogues of audiovisual works, translators and adapters. That is to say, we have our work for others in which we won 1. The answer is no. Social Security Self-Employed, Finance Billing. In the first place, we have to know the difference between these two figures, Social Security and the Treasury are not the same although they go hand-in-hand and tend to cross their data. What is the Social Security.