
THE AUTONOMOUS MUNICIPALITY OF TORRES, BORDER INNER TRANSITION LARA - ZULIA – FALCÓN AND TRUJILLO. There is formed, in a great historical fact, a “modus vivendi” common( Multiple variants may be present at the same time. Clinically tuberculosis may manifest signs and symptoms of pulmonary or extrapulmonary. The first case includes: Pneumonia tuberculosis: can be due to primary infection or to reactivation, although primary infection usually causes few symptoms (paucisintomática). The primary infection is characterized by the formation of the complex primary Ghon (adenitis regional parahiliar, lymphangitis, and pneumonitis). The clinic in the reactivation is usually insidious, with low grade fever and general malaise. It is frequent night sweats and weight loss. In terms of semiology lung, there is usually a persistent cough that may be accompanied by sputum hemoptoicos (bloody). Pneumonia tb is very contagious, which is why patients should be isolated for two weeks from the start of treatment. Pleuritis tuberculous: usually appears in young people and tends to do it acutely and unilaterally. The main sign is an exudate in the pleural space. Characteristically in this exudate can detect the enzyme adenosine - deaminase (ADA) high. Download Batkid Begins (2015) Hd'>Download Batkid Begins (2015) Hd. Furthermore, the cell type predominantly in the exudate are lymphocytes and mesothelial cells are rare. With respect to the extrapulmonary, may appear in the context of a miliary tuberculosis, the reactivation of a focus of pulmonary or in the absence of clinical disease pulmonary. Includes: Tuberculosis, meningeal: a form of meningitisbacteriana caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis or rarely Mycobacterium bovis. The agency is seated in the meninges, predominantly in the base-brain barrier, and form microgranulomas with subsequent breakage. The clinical course tends to be subacute, and progresses in days. The symptoms can be: headache, stiff neck, neurological deficits. Tuberculosis of the central nervous system: tuberculosis of the brain, spinal cord or meninges. Usually caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and more rarely Mycobacterium bovis. Download No Place To Hide (2017) Full-Lenght. Tuberculosis genitourinary: common cause of sterile pyuria (leukocytes in urine without germ visible). The access of infection to the genitourinary tract usually via the blood. It can be a cause of sterility due to the involvement of the epididymides in males and the fallopian Tubes in women. Tuberculosis, lymph node: committed strings ganglion cervical and supraclaviculares. Produces swelling of the lymph nodes. You can submit escrofulodermia: swelling of the local extension of the subcutaneous tissue by a reactivation of the tb bacteria in these tissues. In this case, occur fistulas or ulcers draining, that have fibrosis and induration, in addition to a distinctive dark reddish color. It is common in young patients and children. In infants it is very common for the infection to be present in lymph surface accompanied by fistulas.