
HOLLYWOOD ACTRESS CONVERTS TO CATHOLICISM AND exposes THE TRAPS OF THE new AGE (NEW AGE)Left his career when he was smiling the success to dedicate himself to what he believed to be his mission: to spread the principles of the sect of New Age. The disappointment was not long in coming. Re. L, 1. 5 December 2. Sharon Lee Giganti left his career in Hollywood when he was starting to have greater success, to devote himself to what he believed to be his great mission: spreading the principles of the New Era. Divx Ipod Larry Gaye (2015) more. The disappointment was not long in coming. These false teachings have destroyed the lives of many people around her –including her own brother–. A book (del latn liber, libri) is a work that is printed, handwritten or painted in a series of sheets of paper, parchment, vellum, or other material, joined by a side (that is. In CineOnLine tendrs the best films online at home through the Internet, at the time, free of charge, without advertising and without the need of descargrtelas at the time. Venezuela, the land of rmulo gallegos, governed by a orangutn castro. After his conversion, he devoted himself to communicate without fatigue the big traps that hide the teachings of The Secret, A Course in Miracles and the law of attraction. What propelled her into the New Age - I Was desperate. Had many years of suffering to see my loved ones self-destruct with drugs and alcohol, without being able to do anything. I was looking for a way to end all this pain around me, and find happiness and peace for me. I was unhappy despite all the success which was beginning to have in Hollywood - Yes, as an actress I was tired of the frustration of working so hard, for so many years, and not achieve to be the great actress that I thought I was capable of being. He had reached success in the TV and in some movies, but I had the feeling of not being able to control the outcome of what he did. Imagine the thrill it was to hear that there were techniques that I could learn to create my own reality with the thought: “you Can change any circumstance, to cure any disease, and produce results only to visualize your desires”. Who taught him these techniques A friend of mine in Hollywood told me about the law of attraction through the book The science of mind, Ernest Holmes, and a few recordings of the trance medium Esther Hicks, who channeled a spirit called Abraham. Abraham taught the idea of occultist that “everything is energy”: “Your thoughts and feelings are forms of ‘vibrational energy’ you attract what you are thinking and feeling. If you think positive and you feel free of worries, you will attract good things.” I thought that Abraham was a good spirit, and with this new understanding of the “universal laws” could help a lot of people. Dedicated his time to spread this great “discovery”. So it is. Abandoné my career as an actress, and I became ambassador of Abraham. For 1. 0 years old I was teaching the law of attraction, including the principles of A course in miracles. What is A course in miracles - it Is a book that was written by a spirit who claimed to be Jesus, through a trance medium. His teaching is in contradiction with Sacred Scripture, Tradition and catholic doctrine, because he says that Jesus was not God, that the devil does not exist, that the original sin never occurred, and that the apostles did not knew how to interpret the message of Jesus and taught us errors. These principles false clearly show that the spirit that wrote them, although claimed to be Jesus is a false Christ. Any spirit that contradicts the Word of God can be God. How did you discover this deception - I was faced with terrible tragedies to preach this false philosophy. First, my student Jane. The night before he committed suicide, he came to my house with questions about the suicide that used to make me. They replied again with the teachings of the New Age, especially those of Abraham and A Course in Miracles: “suicide is bad only if you think that is wrong, because we have been conditioned socially to believe that you are wrong.” And I said, quoting Abraham: “You are free to choose any thing that you want to attract into your life, even death.” The next morning, she went to a hotel and was poisoned. I would like to say that his death woke me up, but these philosophies I had been obscured completely the vision of the world. So what woke it up - My brother was a drug addict and an alcoholic; was suffering a crisis of anxiety and depression. To those who tried to help him, I told them to stop fearing for their well-being, as well continued to be attracting that situation into your life. The best way to help was to “view it” in a situation of perfect health, which then would begin to “manifest”. E0DBPxbJKs/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Orden Almas Negras (2015) Película ' title='Orden Almas Negras (2015) Película ' />Grandes, strong, and symbol of mysticism and wisdom, the elephant, if you've had a dream with the, you may wonder Which means soar with elephants discover it. Full story 08092017 Friday Exhibition Leibniz and his little: philosophy and science (1646-1716) As part of the acts of inauguracin de la Ctedra G. W. Film, played by Fernandel, the novel of Giovanni Guareschi. Come the elections and grow the day-to-day battles between Don Camillo and Peppone, ste. And so they did. And I also. But we do not receive the “miracle” promised. My brother ended up killing my nephew is four months and today is serving a life sentence. And you paid a very high price. The tragedies I was showing that the teachings of the New Age do not produce the peace and well-being that both touting. However, it did cause many broken hearts and destroyed lives. Is this what led her to seek the truth in the catholic doctrine was Still immersed in these teachings, when I started to read the Bible. I also had a personal encounter with Jesus and then I knew that many people prayed for me. Tell us about that encounter with Christ - When he was about to summon more spirits, in a desperate attempt to find help, Jesus pulled me out. It showed me as “the Way, the Truth and the Life” that I had been looking for. A Christ very different from the one that had taught him the New Era. It was not the “Christ Consciousness” or “Pure Energy” of the New Era. Jesus is a real person who told me: “I Am the answer that you are looking for, and I'm here, as always. I had never felt so loved. Believe me. Those who think that “Christ” is only a way of thinking or “consciousness”, they are all lost, because a “consciousness” you can not love as Jesus loves us. So what is really the spirituality of the New Age - The majority –it happened to me also– he believes he has discovered a “new science”, a “wisdom lost”, or a “higher perspective of the spiritual realm”, and want to share it with other to cure their ills, mental, psychic, emotional, and spiritual.