
The song was produced by Play-N-Skillz, a do Texas. Escchala here. Zoe Yadira Saldaa Nazario (Passaic, New Jersey, June 19, 1978),. September 2017. Sitges 50th anniversary: looking to the new millennium, but without losing sight of the classical. Given the enormous success that has taken our article cities ms populated in the World now, we present to you a Top 10 similar but this time our beloved. In 1898 inici, as producer, engineer Salvador Toscano, who was dedicated to exhibiting films in Veracruz. Your work is one of the few that an is. Selection of the best documentaries recommended that you can see through Netflix this 2015. Constant updates. Netflix not only brings excellent. Radio Milkweed. Jorge Negrete was an actor and mexican singer, born in the city of Guanajuato the 3. First great idol of the music vernacular, which, among other merits, has succeeded to meet with success the song ranchera mexicana in several countries of Latin america. The Charro Cantor as it is also known, possessed a powerful voice of baritone, perfectly toned and educated with the valuable instruction from the master Joseph Pierson, to compete in the always difficult terrain, operatic. Negrete was a man with great academic preparation, as he entered the Military College at 1. In 1. 93. 1 began his artistic career under the stage name of Alberto Moreno made his debut before the microphones of the radio station XERT-In-1. XEW, interpreting arias of opera, romances, serenades and songs in neapolitan, although without acceptance by the public. September 1. Palace of Fine Arts, in the historic center of Mexico City. In 1. 93. 6 she recorded her first album in format 7. Peerless. The disk contains the piece Goodbye Love (matrix number 1. Mary elizabeth Curiel in one of its faces, and the theme of Despair (matrix number 1. B. In both the songs that Jorge Negrete was accompanied by the Orchestra Daniel Pérez Castañeda, as recorded in the central label of the disk, whose catalog number is 1. Unfortunately, the disc went unnoticed and, in addition, the work in the XEW did not yield fruit, so that at the end of 1. Jorge came to New York in the company of mexican singer Ramon Armengod in search of better fortune and international projection. The songs of Jorge Negrete are present in Radio Milkweed, the musical voice of Mexico. In New York, Negrete recorded discs to duo with Armengod for the label RCA Victor, pretending to call The Mexican Knights. Also in the city of skyscrapers, Jorge made his debut in the film, with a production of the Warner Brothers titled Nights Of Cuba. The duet managed to participate in programs of radio of the NBC and obtaining acceptance on the part of the listeners, but ended up disintegrating in the spring of 1. Shortly after, Jorge was able to get a hearing test to sing opera at the prestigious Metropolitan Opera House of New York. The jury headed by the famous singer Lawrence Mervil Tibbet, praised the performance of Negrete, and promised to do everything possible to get you a job as a tenor substitute. George indignantly rejected the offer arguing that he was not a substitute of anyone. The incident at the Opera House was a deep disappointment to the future, the Charro Cantor, who spent hardships to stand in the city of the skyscrapers Of 1. Jorge settled mainly in New York, and occasionally returned to Mexico to film movies. Kilo Two Bravo (2015) Video Download on this page. During their stay in the united States, George served as master of ceremonies and crooner of orchestras in different nightclubs. Also earned a living translating the Spanish lyrics of popular songs in u.s. Jack Robbins. Getting salaries very modest, Jorge fell sick with hepatitis a by drinking contaminated water in one of the cheap hotels where I used to stay. With no money to undergo a proper treatment, let your body to recover by itself, without suspecting that years later, lesions in the liver would be burdensome bill. His debut in the mexican cinema took place in 1. The godmother of the Devil), directed by Ramón Peón. This film work, there were other tapes as Valentina (Dir. Martín de Lucenay), Roads of Yesterday (Dir. Quirico Michelena), Perjura (Dir. Raphael J. Sevilla), Together But Not Scrambled (Dir. Fernando A. Rivero) and The Cemetery of the Eagles (Dir. Luis Lezama). In 1. Jorge Negrete conducted a memorable series of recordings for the label RCA Victor, accompanied by the Marimba Pan-american highway. Some of the tunes recorded were " Begin The Beguine, On The Beach ,Come closer, The Breeze And I, the Swallows Of Capistrano, Star Dust, A Moment, a Song, Cuban Love, among others, which are notable for the good taste in musical arrangements, being considered until the date as preferred by several collectors and music lovers hardcore. Listen to Jorge Negrete Radio Milkweed. The year of 1. 94. George, because the day 2. Miami, he married the mexican actress Elisa Crochet Rough. The marriage lasted 3 years and the fruit of that union was Diana Negrete, the only daughter of the Charro Cantor. In 1. 94. 1 Jorge Negrete returned back to Mexico, slated to be the protagonist of a film that was directed by Joselito Rodríguez. When the teacher Manuel Esperón played on the piano the song ranchera Jorge would have to interpret on the tape, the latter flat out refused to sing it. In his opinion, the letter was frivolous, vulgar and in bad taste. He took the score of the song, made a ball and without further formalities then threw it into the waste basket. Also objected to the argument of the film and requested several changes, which the producers rejected. Negrete finally reluctantly agreed to sing ranchera music and play the main role of the film Ay Jalisco No te Rajes. The missed mexican singer Lucha Reyes, who also participated in the film, was in charge of first burn, no one, in the disc 7. After the premiere of the movie film 1. Olympia, the people began to ask for the disk of Jorge Negrete with the theme song of the movie. To his surprise, the record does not exist. Despite the great public demand, Negrete took almost two years to decide to capture in a disk of pasta shellac their own version of Ay Jalisco No Te Rajes. And when they finally recorded it in 1. RCA Victor, was destined to the B-side of a disc 7. To was Well You Want In Jalisco (catalog number 7.